Saturday, December 22, 2007

Nobody can answer the the things created by GOD

I am not here to tell anybody be blind and faith god but we can not answer the things created by GOD

Here we can not be easy going for the life we have and this does not mean that science is wrong but we can say that everything created by god is scientifically right and have some theory behind also the things which still surprise us are beyond ur this does not mean that there is no science so we hereby can say

science is what god has created to know how????

anything exist we know or knot know can be proofed or not

Is creation of GOD

Fath is GOD

No God or Know God?

An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the problem Science has with God, The Almighty.

He asks one of his new students to stand and.....

Prof: So you believe in God?

Student: Absolutely, sir.

Prof: Is God good?

Student: Sure.

Prof: Is God all-powerful?

Student: Yes.

Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him.

Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn't. How is this God good then? Hmm? (Student is silent.)

Prof: You can't answer, can you? Let's start again, young fellow. Is God good?

Student: Yes.

Prof: Is Satan good ?

Student: No.

Prof: Where does Satan come from?

Student: From...God.. .

Prof: That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?

Student: Yes.

Prof: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything. Correct?

Student: Yes.

Prof: So who created evil?

(Student does not answer. )

Prof: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don't they?

Student: Yes, sir.

Prof: So, who created them?

( Student has no answer.)

Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son...Have you ever seen God?

Student: No, sir.

Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your God?

Student: No, sir.

Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God? Have you ever had any sensory perception of God for that matter?

Student: No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.

Prof: Yet you still believe in Him ?

Student: Yes.

Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?

Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.

Prof: Yes. Faith. And that is the problem science has.

Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat?

Prof: Yes.

Student: And is there such a thing as cold?

Prof: Yes.

Student: No sir. There isn't.

(The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events .)

Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat,

But we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold.

Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.

(There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre .)

Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?

Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?

Student: You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light....But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't.

If it were you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?

Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?

Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.

Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?

Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure.

Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one.

To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?

Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.

Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument is going.)

Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavour, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?

(The class is in uproar .)

Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor's brain?

(The class breaks out into laughter.)

Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain, sir.

With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?

(The room is silent . The professor stares at the student, his face unfathomable. )

Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.

Student: That is it sir... The link between man & god is FAITH .

That is all that keeps things moving & alive....... .........

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed.

As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation.

They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."

Why do you say that?"asked the customer.

"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist.

Tell me, if God exists,would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine loving a God who would allow all of these things."

The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument.

The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and un-kept.

The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist."

How can you say that?"asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber.And I just worked on you!"

"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."

"Ah, but barbers DO exist! What happens is, people do not come to me."

Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Know yourself, know God
What is God? What is not God? What is the definition of God,
if there is one?
The moment you define
by a word you already have a concept about it.
What do you think is God?
You describe it as that which is everywhere;
which is all-powerful;
which is responsible for this creation,
for its maintenance, and for its dissolution;
which is
Omniscient. You say
''I want to see God''
and when you want to see God as something,
as an object,
then it's not everywhere.
The moment you see God,
there is a distance between you and God;
then you are not God.
You want to see God,
and this wanting to see God as separate from you
is again an illusion;
if you are seeing God, then God is not omnipresent! Like love is felt in the heart,
so is God's presence.
You cannot see air, but you simply feel the air.
You cannot see heat or cold, but you just feel it.
So in the same way God cannot be seen.
If you see God, then He is outside there;
He is away from you and isolated.
God is never an object of isolation.
God is the sum total.
When you dissolve, God remains.
When you are there, there is no God.
Either you can be there, or God can be there, not both.
So when you meditate, you become one with God.
You are God.
That is why, it is said,
''Thou art that''. So,
God is to be felt
in the depth of your heart.
In deep meditation
when your mind is
still, calm, hollow and empty,
you suddenly feel,
''I am not there.
There is only one big existence.''
don't worry about God.
First know yourself then you also
what is God, almost simultaneously.

Monday, October 29, 2007

When we make a prayer with expectation such as asking for a job or overcoming an illness, to God or a specific deity, our prayers as stated earlier are answered by lower level deities or lower positive energies. Let's take the example of a person who has prayed intensely for a job. If it is in the person's destiny to be without a job for 5 years, then the lower positive energy or the lower level deity can answer the prayer by pushing out this five year jobless period to somewhere later in the person's life. Thus the person still has to go through a phase of being jobless. (This is because regardless of anything one has to undergo one's destiny; it can only be overcome by one's spiritual practice.)
Sometimes higher level deities also help the worldly situation of a seeker if it is causing an obstacle in his spiritual growth.
2.2 How are prayers answered?
When a person prays, he remembers God intensely and has an intimate dialogue with Him about issues very close to his heart. By the law of reflex action, God also feels closer to him.
Prayers have the ability to activate the deity principles (aspects of God) in the Universe. The subtlest frequencies are generated when one pays gratitude along with the prayer. These frequencies have the ability to not only activate but also touch the deity; hence the deity principle is activated faster. This activation of deity principle (aspect of God) results in fulfilment of prayers. The deities bring about the fulfilment of prayers by the power of resolve. Refer to the article on who is a deity?
Example of prayers followed by gratitude:
Lord please let me get this job, I really need it. Lord, my gratitude for giving me the thought to pray.
Lord may I do all activities in this entire day as my spiritual practice. Lord, I express gratitude at your Holy Feet for having given me the thought and for having got this prayer done through me.
\u003c/li\>\u003c/ul\>\u003c/div\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/ul\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/div\>\n\u003cli\>Prayers attract subtle divine frequencies towards the person and as a result the \u003cem\>raja-tama\u003c/em\> covering around the person is destroyed. Thus the environment surrounding the person becomes comparatively more \u003cem\>saattvik\u003c/em\>. As the subtle basic \u003cem\>sattva\u003c/em\> component in the surrounding environment is increased, the thoughts of the person are reduced and they also become \u003cem\>saattvik\u003c/em\>. This is because the mind is influenced by the external environment. \n\u003cli\>\u003cimg height\u003d\"141\" alt\u003d\"Sheaths\" hspace\u003d\"6\" width\u003d\"267\" align\u003d\"right\" border\u003d\"0\"\>Prayer increases the particles of the subtle basic \u003cem\>sattva\u003c/em\> component in the vital body sheath. When we pay gratitude the particles of the subtle basic \u003cem\>sattva\u003c/em\> component in the mental body sheath increase. Thus prayer complemented with gratitude results in spiritual purification of the vital body and mental body sheaths. \n\u003cdiv\>For further information about the vital and mental body, refer to – "What are we comprised of?" \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Because of spiritual purification of the vital body sheath and mental body sheath, the impressions in both the sheaths begin to be destroyed. As the impressions are reduced thoughts about oneself are minimised and attraction towards worldly things ( \u003cem\>Maayaa\u003c/em\>) decreases and this leads to increase in desire for God and a yearning to merge with Him. Also as both sheaths are purified negative energies cannot enter the body.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Refer to the article on –\u003ca href\u003d\"\" rel\u003d\"nofollow\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\> \u003c/a\>How chanting helps to purify the impressions in our mind.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cli\>When we pray we accept our inability to solve a problem ourselves and hence in seeing ourselves as lesser, our ego is reduced. With a reduction in ego there is a temporary rise in spiritual level. This causes a temporary increase in subtle basic \u003cem\>sattva\u003c/em\> component. Further when we pay gratitude it generates humility in us which has an even greater positive effect on our spiritual level. Hence our communion with God increases. This rise in the subtle basic ",1]

Prayers attract subtle divine frequencies towards the person and as a result the raja-tama covering around the person is destroyed. Thus the environment surrounding the person becomes comparatively more saattvik. As the subtle basic sattva component in the surrounding environment is increased, the thoughts of the person are reduced and they also become saattvik. This is because the mind is influenced by the external environment.
Prayer increases the particles of the subtle basic sattva component in the vital body sheath. When we pay gratitude the particles of the subtle basic sattva component in the mental body sheath increase. Thus prayer complemented with gratitude results in spiritual purification of the vital body and mental body sheaths.
For further information about the vital and mental body, refer to – "What are we comprised of?"
Because of spiritual purification of the vital body sheath and mental body sheath, the impressions in both the sheaths begin to be destroyed. As the impressions are reduced thoughts about oneself are minimised and attraction towards worldly things ( Maayaa) decreases and this leads to increase in desire for God and a yearning to merge with Him. Also as both sheaths are purified negative energies cannot enter the body.
Refer to the article on – How chanting helps to purify the impressions in our mind.
When we pray we accept our inability to solve a problem ourselves and hence in seeing ourselves as lesser, our ego is reduced. With a reduction in ego there is a temporary rise in spiritual level. This causes a temporary increase in subtle basic sattva component. Further when we pay gratitude it generates humility in us which has an even greater positive effect on our spiritual level. Hence our communion with God increases. This rise in the subtle basic
sattva\u003c/em\> component itself increases our capacity to overcome or bear the problem. \u003c/li\>\n\u003cul\>\u003c/ul\>\n\u003cdiv align\u003d\"right\"\>\u003ca href\u003d\"\u003d88886&y5beta\u003dyes&y5beta\u003dyes&inc\u003d200&order\u003ddown&sort\u003ddate&pos\u003d0&view\u003da&head\u003db&box\u003dInbox#top\" rel\u003d\"nofollow\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>^ Top\u003c/a\>\u003c/div\>\n\u003ch1\>3. When do our prayers work?\u003c/h1\>\n\u003cdiv\>In our life, 65% of events happen as per destiny. Destined events are those events that we have no control over. Please refer to the article on destiny and wilful action.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Destined events good and bad are bound to happen in our lives. Bad destined events may be an illness or a bad marriage. The average person mainly prays to God when bad events happen in his life. He prays to God to relieve him of the bad event. However we find that our prayers are not always answered. Refer to the article - Destiny as a spiritual root cause of difficulties in life \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>So what is the law? When does prayer override a bad destined event; so that with the prayer the event itself does not happen or at least we are insulated from it?\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>The rule of thumb is\u003c/div\>\n\u003cul\>\n\u003cli\>If the prayer is stronger than the intensity of the destined event then the prayer will be answered \n\u003cli\>If the intensity of the destiny is stronger than the prayer, then the prayer will be answered partially or not at all.\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/ul\>\n\u003ch1\>4. What decides the effectiveness of one's prayer?\u003c/h1\>\n\u003cdiv\>The following factors add to the effectiveness of the prayer \u003c/div\>\n\u003cul\>\n\u003cli\>Spiritual level of the person praying – the higher the spiritual level the more effective is one's prayer \n\u003cli\>Quality of prayer - whether the prayer is mechanical or heartfelt or with spiritual emotion (\u003cem\>bhaava\u003c/em\>) of the seeker \n\u003cli\>For what is he praying (i.e. whether for himself or others) – When we pray for others the spiritual strength required is much more. The more the number of people in society intended to be affected by the event, the greater is the spiritual strength required to effect the desired result. Only Saints of a higher order can effect change in society. \n",1]
sattva component itself increases our capacity to overcome or bear the problem.
^ Top
3. When do our prayers work?
In our life, 65% of events happen as per destiny. Destined events are those events that we have no control over. Please refer to the article on destiny and wilful action.
Destined events good and bad are bound to happen in our lives. Bad destined events may be an illness or a bad marriage. The average person mainly prays to God when bad events happen in his life. He prays to God to relieve him of the bad event. However we find that our prayers are not always answered. Refer to the article - Destiny as a spiritual root cause of difficulties in life
So what is the law? When does prayer override a bad destined event; so that with the prayer the event itself does not happen or at least we are insulated from it?
The rule of thumb is
If the prayer is stronger than the intensity of the destined event then the prayer will be answered
If the intensity of the destiny is stronger than the prayer, then the prayer will be answered partially or not at all.
4. What decides the effectiveness of one's prayer?
The following factors add to the effectiveness of the prayer
Spiritual level of the person praying – the higher the spiritual level the more effective is one's prayer
Quality of prayer - whether the prayer is mechanical or heartfelt or with spiritual emotion (bhaava) of the seeker
For what is he praying (i.e. whether for himself or others) – When we pray for others the spiritual strength required is much more. The more the number of people in society intended to be affected by the event, the greater is the spiritual strength required to effect the desired result. Only Saints of a higher order can effect change in society.
Ego - Lower ego contributes to the effectiveness of prayer \n\u003cli\>What prayer posture (\u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\>) is a person using? This becomes a major factor for the majority of people as the above factors are lesser in most people.\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/ul\>\n\u003ch2\>4.1 The spiritual level of a person and prayer\u003c/h2\>\n\u003cdiv\>The spiritual level of a person praying is one of the main criteria in deciding the effectiveness of the prayer.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cul\>\n\u003cli\>For seekers above the 60% spiritual level, prayer is not required. They act from the spiritual emotion/feeling that 'Let everything happen as per God's will.' They actually experience that everything in their live is happening and is provided for by God's grace. Their mind is constantly in a state of gratitude to God. Once this state is achieved prayer is not needed. \n\u003cli\>Prayers of people who are below the 30% spiritual level lack potency and at best they provide them with only psychological benefit. This is because the covering of ego is too great for their prayers to reach the deity principle. \n\u003cli\>Thus we can see that prayer works most effectively for people between the spiritual level of 30-60%.\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/ul\>\n\u003cdiv\>Refer to article on 'Breakdown of world's population by spiritual level'.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>From time to time we hear a call by some people to gather and pray for world peace or for a noble cause such as reduction in global warming. From the perspective of actual results, this is at best a psychological effort. This is so because major world events have a strong spiritual basis and can only be overcome by spiritual efforts of highly evolved beings such as Saints of a higher order. Even if millions of people (of average spiritual level) get together and make the same prayer for a major world happening, it is akin to many ants trying to lift a boulder. \n\u003cdiv\>Note: Some people may think that if Saints can effect global change, then why don't they orchestrate world peace or a reduction in global warming? The paradox is that while Saints have the spiritual strength to influence world events, they have the spiritual emotion that God only knows best. Also as they are in the 'observer state' (saakshibhaav) , they by their very nature do not interfere in God's plan and are in complete accordance with His plan. They have the complete awareness that as per God's plan everything happens according to individual and collective destiny. (Destined events are those events in our life which happen due to our past actions, either in this very birth or in our previous births.) ",1]

Ego - Lower ego contributes to the effectiveness of prayer
What prayer posture (mudraa) is a person using? This becomes a major factor for the majority of people as the above factors are lesser in most people.
4.1 The spiritual level of a person and prayer
The spiritual level of a person praying is one of the main criteria in deciding the effectiveness of the prayer.
For seekers above the 60% spiritual level, prayer is not required. They act from the spiritual emotion/feeling that 'Let everything happen as per God's will.' They actually experience that everything in their live is happening and is provided for by God's grace. Their mind is constantly in a state of gratitude to God. Once this state is achieved prayer is not needed.
Prayers of people who are below the 30% spiritual level lack potency and at best they provide them with only psychological benefit. This is because the covering of ego is too great for their prayers to reach the deity principle.
Thus we can see that prayer works most effectively for people between the spiritual level of 30-60%.
Refer to article on 'Breakdown of world's population by spiritual level'.
From time to time we hear a call by some people to gather and pray for world peace or for a noble cause such as reduction in global warming. From the perspective of actual results, this is at best a psychological effort. This is so because major world events have a strong spiritual basis and can only be overcome by spiritual efforts of highly evolved beings such as Saints of a higher order. Even if millions of people (of average spiritual level) get together and make the same prayer for a major world happening, it is akin to many ants trying to lift a boulder.
Note: Some people may think that if Saints can effect global change, then why don't they orchestrate world peace or a reduction in global warming? The paradox is that while Saints have the spiritual strength to influence world events, they have the spiritual emotion that God only knows best. Also as they are in the 'observer state' (saakshibhaav) , they by their very nature do not interfere in God's plan and are in complete accordance with His plan. They have the complete awareness that as per God's plan everything happens according to individual and collective destiny. (Destined events are those events in our life which happen due to our past actions, either in this very birth or in our previous births.)
\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv align\u003d\"right\"\>\u003ca href\u003d\"\u003d88886&y5beta\u003dyes&y5beta\u003dyes&inc\u003d200&order\u003ddown&sort\u003ddate&pos\u003d0&view\u003da&head\u003db&box\u003dInbox#top\" rel\u003d\"nofollow\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>^ Top\u003c/a\>\u003c/div\>\n\u003ch1\>5. What is the best posture for prayer?\u003c/h1\>\n\u003cdiv\>Through spiritual research, SSRF has identified and recommends the following mudraa or posture that is most conducive to gain the maximum divine energy through prayer.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>The following subtle diagrams show the two stages in this \u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\> (posture) and what actually happens at a spiritual level when one prays\u003c/div\>\n\u003ch2\>5.1 Explanation Stage 1 of prayer posture (\u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\>)\u003c/h2\>\n\u003cdiv align\u003d\"center\"\>\u003cimg height\u003d\"479\" alt\u003d\"Stage 1 of prayer posture\" width\u003d\"459\" vspace\u003d\"6\"\> \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>The first stage in this \u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\> is raising one's hands in prayer with the thumbs gently touching the mid-brow region or the \u003cem\>Aadnyaa chakra\u003c/em\> (the spiritual energy centre at the mid-brow region). It is best to begin praying after we are in this position. \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>When we bow our head in this prayer position, it awakens the spiritual emotion of surrender in us. This in turn activates the appropriate subtle frequencies of deities from the Universe. These divine frequencies come in through our finger tips which act as receptors. These divine frequencies are then channelised into our body through the thumb to the \u003cem\>Aadnyaa chakra\u003c/em\> (the spiritual energy centre at the mid-brow region). The result is an increase in the positive spiritual energy in us which makes us feel lighter or gives relief from symptoms of physical or mental distress. \u003c/div\>\n\u003ch2\>5.2 Explanation Stage 2 of prayer posture (\u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\>)\u003c/h2\>\n\u003cdiv align\u003d\"center\"\>\u003cimg height\u003d\"521\" alt\u003d\"Stage 2 of prayer posture\" width\u003d\"401\" vspace\u003d\"6\"\> \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>After one finishes his prayer, he should assume the second \u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\> (posture) as shown in the diagram above. This means that instead of bringing his hands in prayer down immediately, they are to be placed in the mid-chest region in such a way that the wrists touch the chest. This facilitates the process of more completely imbibing the Divine Consciousness of the deity principle. So initially the Divine Consciousness of the deity principle that had entered the finger tips now also gets transmitted to the region of chest, the seat of the ",1]

^ Top
5. What is the best posture for prayer?
Through spiritual research, SSRF has identified and recommends the following mudraa or posture that is most conducive to gain the maximum divine energy through prayer.
The following subtle diagrams show the two stages in this mudraa (posture) and what actually happens at a spiritual level when one prays
5.1 Explanation Stage 1 of prayer posture (mudraa)

The first stage in this mudraa is raising one's hands in prayer with the thumbs gently touching the mid-brow region or the Aadnyaa chakra (the spiritual energy centre at the mid-brow region). It is best to begin praying after we are in this position.
When we bow our head in this prayer position, it awakens the spiritual emotion of surrender in us. This in turn activates the appropriate subtle frequencies of deities from the Universe. These divine frequencies come in through our finger tips which act as receptors. These divine frequencies are then channelised into our body through the thumb to the Aadnyaa chakra (the spiritual energy centre at the mid-brow region). The result is an increase in the positive spiritual energy in us which makes us feel lighter or gives relief from symptoms of physical or mental distress.
5.2 Explanation Stage 2 of prayer posture (mudraa)

After one finishes his prayer, he should assume the second mudraa (posture) as shown in the diagram above. This means that instead of bringing his hands in prayer down immediately, they are to be placed in the mid-chest region in such a way that the wrists touch the chest. This facilitates the process of more completely imbibing the Divine Consciousness of the deity principle. So initially the Divine Consciousness of the deity principle that had entered the finger tips now also gets transmitted to the region of chest, the seat of the
Anaahat chakra\u003c/em\>. Just like the Aadnyaa chakra, the \u003cem\>Anaahat chakra\u003c/em\> also absorbs \u003cem\>sattva\u003c/em\> frequencies. By touching the wrists to the chest, the \u003cem\>Anaahat chakra\u003c/em\> is activated and it helps in absorbing more \u003cem\>sattva\u003c/em\> frequencies. When activated, the \u003cem\>Anaahat chakra\u003c/em\> awakens a seeker's spiritual emotion and devotion. \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>In this stage of the prayer \u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\>, one should be introspective and contemplate upon the experience of being in God's presence.\u003c/div\>\n\u003ch3\>5.2.1 Correct posture of the head while praying\u003c/h3\>\n\u003cdiv align\u003d\"center\"\>\u003cimg height\u003d\"331\" alt\u003d\"Correct posture when praying\" width\u003d\"546\" vspace\u003d\"6\" border\u003d\"0\"\> \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv align\u003d\"center\"\>\u003cimg height\u003d\"377\" alt\u003d\"Final prayer position\" width\u003d\"488\" vspace\u003d\"6\"\> \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Points to note:\u003c/div\>\n\u003cul\>\n\u003cli\>Body should be bowed and not erect \n\u003cli\>Fingers should be parallel to the forehead. Fingers should not be stiff but relaxed. \n\u003cli\>Fingers should be touching each other – not spread apart \n\u003cli\>Thumb should be lightly touching the area of the \u003cem\>Aadnyaa chakra\u003c/em\> \n\u003cli\>Hands need to be gently pressed together – slight space between the palms. In case of seekers above 50% spiritual level, no space is required between the palms.\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/ul\>\n\u003ch2\>5.3 When praying with spiritual emotion\u003c/h2\>\n\u003cdiv\>The following subtle diagram shows what happens when a person at 50% spiritual level prays with spiritual emotion. The main thing to note is that the people in the vicinity also derive the benefit of the Divine Consciousness accessed by that person. (Refer to the part of the diagram which shows 5% of frequencies of Divine Consciousness ( \u003cem\>Chaitanya\u003c/em\>) transmitted outside the body.) This is why quite often it has been observed that when people pray with spiritual emotion, the spiritual emotion in others in the vicinity too gets activated. \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv align\u003d\"center\"\>\u003cimg height\u003d\"655\" alt\u003d\"Prayer with spiritual emotion\" width\u003d\"511\"\>\u003c/div\>\n\u003ch2\>5.4 Does it mean that every time we pray we should take this position?",1]
Anaahat chakra. Just like the Aadnyaa chakra, the Anaahat chakra also absorbs sattva frequencies. By touching the wrists to the chest, the Anaahat chakra is activated and it helps in absorbing more sattva frequencies. When activated, the Anaahat chakra awakens a seeker's spiritual emotion and devotion.
In this stage of the prayer mudraa, one should be introspective and contemplate upon the experience of being in God's presence.
5.2.1 Correct posture of the head while praying

Points to note:
Body should be bowed and not erect
Fingers should be parallel to the forehead. Fingers should not be stiff but relaxed.
Fingers should be touching each other – not spread apart
Thumb should be lightly touching the area of the Aadnyaa chakra
Hands need to be gently pressed together – slight space between the palms. In case of seekers above 50% spiritual level, no space is required between the palms.
5.3 When praying with spiritual emotion
The following subtle diagram shows what happens when a person at 50% spiritual level prays with spiritual emotion. The main thing to note is that the people in the vicinity also derive the benefit of the Divine Consciousness accessed by that person. (Refer to the part of the diagram which shows 5% of frequencies of Divine Consciousness ( Chaitanya) transmitted outside the body.) This is why quite often it has been observed that when people pray with spiritual emotion, the spiritual emotion in others in the vicinity too gets activated.
5.4 Does it mean that every time we pray we should take this position?
\n\u003cdiv\>If one is at a higher spiritual level (above 50%) divine subtle (intangible) frequencies begin to be received directly through the \u003cem\>Brahmarandhra\u003c/em\> itself. The \u003cem\>Brahmarandhra\u003c/em\> is a subtle opening above the \u003cem\>Sahasraar Chakra\u003c/em\> (as per the spiritual science of \u003cem\>Kundalini yoga\u003c/em\>) that has access to the \u003cspan\>Universal\u003c/span\> Mind and Intellect. This subtle opening is closed in people of a lower spiritual level. The primary factor that helps the opening of the \u003cem\>Brahmarandhra\u003c/em\> is a lower level of ego. When in this phase of our spiritual growth the need for the prayer \u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\> as explained above becomes less and less. \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>However if a person between the spiritual level of 50% - 80% complements his prayer with the recommended \u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\>, then he gets the benefit of additional Divine Consciousness. This additional benefit is 30% more in the case of a person at the 50% spiritual level and it proportionately become less and less as the spiritual level increases. \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Since most people are not of a high spiritual level they are unable to receive divine frequencies through the \u003cem\>Brahmarandhra\u003c/em\>. Most people (level 30-60%) are however able to receive subtle frequencies through their finger tips (though to a much lesser extent) as our finger tips are very sensitive to receiving or sending out subtle energy. For this section of people it is best that they do utilise the prayer \u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\> suggested above to make a prayer. All other factors remaining equal, by praying using the recommended \u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\> a person will add 20% to the effectiveness of their prayer as opposed to not using this \u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\>.\u003c/div\>\n\u003ch2\>5.5 Comparative effectiveness of prayer positions\u003c/h2\>\n\u003cdiv\>We are exposed to various hand actions when praying. When conducting spiritual research into the various hand postures (\u003cem\>mudraas\u003c/em\>) related to prayer, the following were our findings in terms of efficacy. \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv align\u003d\"center\"\>\u003cimg height\u003d\"611\" alt\u003d\"Efficacy of varioius prayer positions\" width\u003d\"517\" vspace\u003d\"6\"\>",1]

If one is at a higher spiritual level (above 50%) divine subtle (intangible) frequencies begin to be received directly through the Brahmarandhra itself. The Brahmarandhra is a subtle opening above the Sahasraar Chakra (as per the spiritual science of Kundalini yoga) that has access to the Universal Mind and Intellect. This subtle opening is closed in people of a lower spiritual level. The primary factor that helps the opening of the Brahmarandhra is a lower level of ego. When in this phase of our spiritual growth the need for the prayer mudraa as explained above becomes less and less.
However if a person between the spiritual level of 50% - 80% complements his prayer with the recommended mudraa, then he gets the benefit of additional Divine Consciousness. This additional benefit is 30% more in the case of a person at the 50% spiritual level and it proportionately become less and less as the spiritual level increases.
Since most people are not of a high spiritual level they are unable to receive divine frequencies through the Brahmarandhra. Most people (level 30-60%) are however able to receive subtle frequencies through their finger tips (though to a much lesser extent) as our finger tips are very sensitive to receiving or sending out subtle energy. For this section of people it is best that they do utilise the prayer mudraa suggested above to make a prayer. All other factors remaining equal, by praying using the recommended mudraa a person will add 20% to the effectiveness of their prayer as opposed to not using this mudraa.
5.5 Comparative effectiveness of prayer positions
We are exposed to various hand actions when praying. When conducting spiritual research into the various hand postures (mudraas) related to prayer, the following were our findings in terms of efficacy.
\n\u003cdiv\>\u003cu\>\u003cb\>Footnotes:\u003c/b\>\u003c/u\>\u003c/div\>\n\u003col\>\n\u003cli\>100% is getting full spiritual benefit which results in God realisation \n\u003cli\>Level of the manifest deity principle, i.e. higher, medium or lower level deity \n\u003cli\>Percentage of deity principle accessed \n\u003cli\>This shows the possibility of negative energy interfering with the prayer to reduce a seeker's faith. The negative energies interfere with the prayer so that the prayer is not answered thereby undermining the person's faith. \u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/ol\>\n\u003cdiv\>Do try a subtle experiment by yourself wherein you say the same prayer using each of the above \u003cem\>mudraas\u003c/em\> separately. \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>In some cases people hold hands and pray. This is also a spiritually incorrect practice as if the person beside one is affected by negative energy it is more likely that the black energy be transferred to you. \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>Refer to the article on 'How much of the world's population is affected by negative energies?'\u003c/div\>\n\u003ch1\>6. Key summary points on the mechanism of prayer\u003c/h1\>\n\u003cul\>\n\u003cli\>The spiritual level of a person generally defines whether a person prays for spiritual growth or for worldly benefit. Depending on the type of prayer higher level deities or lower level deities respectively answer a person's prayers. \n\u003cli\>The spiritual emotion with which one prays has a positive impact on the effectiveness of one's prayer. \n\u003cli\>Depending on what type of mudraa is used, the benefit that one gets through prayer can vary. \n\u003cli\>All other things being equal, using the recommended \u003cem\>mudraa\u003c/em\> (posture) for prayer helps to improve the chances of one's prayer being answered by 20%. \n\u003cli\>Prayers by people of lower spiritual level for things that affect the wider population such as world peace or a reduction in global warming have no effect. \n\u003cli\>When one pays gratitude along with prayer it helps to increase the effectiveness of one's prayer.\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/ul\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/div\>\u003cspan style\u003d\"color:white\"\>__._,_.___\u003c/span\> \n\u003cdiv\>\u003cspan\>",1]

100% is getting full spiritual benefit which results in God realisation
Level of the manifest deity principle, i.e. higher, medium or lower level deity
Percentage of deity principle accessed
This shows the possibility of negative energy interfering with the prayer to reduce a seeker's faith. The negative energies interfere with the prayer so that the prayer is not answered thereby undermining the person's faith.
Do try a subtle experiment by yourself wherein you say the same prayer using each of the above mudraas separately.
In some cases people hold hands and pray. This is also a spiritually incorrect practice as if the person beside one is affected by negative energy it is more likely that the black energy be transferred to you.
Refer to the article on 'How much of the world's population is affected by negative energies?'
6. Key summary points on the mechanism of prayer
The spiritual level of a person generally defines whether a person prays for spiritual growth or for worldly benefit. Depending on the type of prayer higher level deities or lower level deities respectively answer a person's prayers.
The spiritual emotion with which one prays has a positive impact on the effectiveness of one's prayer.
Depending on what type of mudraa is used, the benefit that one gets through prayer can vary.
All other things being equal, using the recommended mudraa (posture) for prayer helps to improve the chances of one's prayer being answered by 20%.
Prayers by people of lower spiritual level for things that affect the wider population such as world peace or a reduction in global warming have no effect.
When one pays gratitude along with prayer it helps to increase the effectiveness of one's prayer.
In this article we provide an overview on how prayer works. There are two types of prayers – for worldly benefit and for spiritual growth. Accordingly the prayers are answered by a different aspect of God. Spiritual research has shown that even negative energies can answer prayers, to our detriment! One's spiritual level is the single most important factor in ensuring that one's prayers are answered. Praying for world peace, while a noble thought, is most likely not to be answered due to lack of spiritual level of the people praying. Paradoxically the people who can really effect change through a single prayer are Saints but They see the futility of praying as they are totally in alignment with God's will and don't see it separate from Theirs. Lastly the posture of prayer also contributes in the prayer being answered.
1. Introduction to the mechanism of prayer
When faced with difficult or insurmountable situations in day-to-day life like loss of a valuable, incurable illness, major financial problem, etc. people pray to God or to an aspect of Him, also known as a deity. These are prayers with material or worldly expectations.
\n\u003cdiv\>Seekers of God whose main focus in life is spiritual growth also pray regularly to God, not only in difficult situations but even in day-to-day situations. The prayers however are not about worldly expectations but about their spiritual growth and are said as a part of their spiritual practice. \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>This article explains the mechanism of how both varieties of prayers are answered.\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>To understand this article better please read:\u003c/div\>\n\u003cul\>\n\u003cli\>Definition of prayer \n\u003cli\>What is the difference between prayer with expectations and without expectations?\u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/ul\>\n\u003cdiv\>It is important to note that when there is any problem or difficulty in life, the root cause can be physical, mental or spiritual in nature. Research carried out by SSRF shows that up to 80% of problems in life have their root cause in the spiritual realm. Destiny and departed ancestors are two very important factors among the spiritual causes of problems in life. \u003c/div\>\n\u003ch1\>2. How are prayers answered? What is the mechanism?\u003c/h1\>\n\u003ch2\>2.1 Who answers our prayers?\u003c/h2\>\n\u003cul\>\n\u003cli\>The following diagram shows who answers our prayers depending on the type of prayer. Generally the prayer differs as per the spiritual level of the person. For example a person who is at a 30% spiritual level will more often than not pray for worldly things. A person at the 50% spiritual level will more often than not pray for his spiritual progress. Accordingly the prayers are answered by various subtle energies in the Universe. What is interesting is that even negative energies answer prayers either where harm is requested and or to entrap a person under their influence by initially granting their wishes. For example, as shown in the diagram below, a person who prays for the death of another person will be helped by a negative subtle entity from the 4th Region of Hell. Prayers for worldly benefit are generally responded to by lower deities or lower positive energies. Prayers for spiritual growth are responded to by higher level\n deities and higher positive energies. . ",1]

Seekers of God whose main focus in life is spiritual growth also pray regularly to God, not only in difficult situations but even in day-to-day situations. The prayers however are not about worldly expectations but about their spiritual growth and are said as a part of their spiritual practice.
This article explains the mechanism of how both varieties of prayers are answered.
To understand this article better please read:
Definition of prayer
What is the difference between prayer with expectations and without expectations?
It is important to note that when there is any problem or difficulty in life, the root cause can be physical, mental or spiritual in nature. Research carried out by SSRF shows that up to 80% of problems in life have their root cause in the spiritual realm. Destiny and departed ancestors are two very important factors among the spiritual causes of problems in life.
2. How are prayers answered? What is the mechanism?
2.1 Who answers our prayers?
The following diagram shows who answers our prayers depending on the type of prayer. Generally the prayer differs as per the spiritual level of the person. For example a person who is at a 30% spiritual level will more often than not pray for worldly things. A person at the 50% spiritual level will more often than not pray for his spiritual progress. Accordingly the prayers are answered by various subtle energies in the Universe. What is interesting is that even negative energies answer prayers either where harm is requested and or to entrap a person under their influence by initially granting their wishes. For example, as shown in the diagram below, a person who prays for the death of another person will be helped by a negative subtle entity from the 4th Region of Hell. Prayers for worldly benefit are generally responded to by lower deities or lower positive energies. Prayers for spiritual growth are responded to by higher level deities and higher positive energies. .
\u003c/ul\>\n\u003cdiv align\u003d\"center\"\>\u003cimg height\u003d\"535\" alt\u003d\"How answers what type of prayers?\" width\u003d\"546\"\> \u003c/div\>\n\u003cul\>\n\u003cli\>When we make a prayer with expectation such as asking for a job or overcoming an illness, to God or a specific deity, our prayers as stated earlier are answered by lower level deities or lower positive energies. Let's take the example of a person who has prayed intensely for a job. If it is in the person's destiny to be without a job for 5 years, then the lower positive energy or the lower level deity can answer the prayer by pushing out this five year jobless period to somewhere later in the person's life. Thus the person still has to go through a phase of being jobless. (This is because regardless of anything one has to undergo one's destiny; it can only be overcome by one's spiritual practice.) \n\u003cli\>Sometimes higher level deities also help the worldly situation of a seeker if it is causing an obstacle in his spiritual growth. \u003c/li\>\u003c/li\>\u003c/ul\>\n\u003ch3\>2.2 How are prayers answered?\u003c/h3\>\n\u003cul\>\n\u003cli\>When a person prays, he remembers God intensely and has an intimate dialogue with Him about issues very close to his heart. By the law of reflex action, God also feels closer to him. \n\u003cli\>Prayers have the ability to activate the deity principles (aspects of God) in the Universe. The subtlest frequencies are generated when one pays gratitude along with the prayer. These frequencies have the ability to not only activate but also touch the deity; hence the deity principle is activated faster. This activation of deity principle (aspect of God) results in fulfilment of prayers. The deities bring about the fulfilment of prayers by the power of resolve. Refer to the article on who is a deity? \n\u003cdiv\>Example of prayers followed by gratitude: \n\u003cul\>\n\u003cli\>Lord please let me get this job, I really need it. Lord, my gratitude for giving me the thought to pray. \n\u003cli\>Lord may I do all activities in this entire day as my spiritual practice. Lord, I express gratitude at your Holy Feet for having given me the thought and for having got this prayer done through me.",1]

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Now if we talk about God Existence ..We can not denied the same but the thing is what to do now -
1-Believe is something we have to ..
2-How to contact God is a question ?
3-There are too many relegion for God but Facts are not there just belief.
4-One thing which still to be proved ,if we are directly connected with god or there is only fix directions inbuilt to work for, like we create machines.

The story remains under curtains up to the time God himself will comes to remove the curtain

We can not stop people to have there own belief in god so we have to wait for the day to come when will know facts still unable to say the day will come ..

History is something which proves something but again that is also not complete.